2022 Zhengdai He Scholarship is open for application
Dear Applicants,
Good News! The 2022 CESASC Scholarship will add one more award “Zhendai He Scholarship(何振岱奖学金)” open to liberal arts fields, sponsored by the Cultural Foundations of Zhendai He USA (何振岱文化研究美国基金會). The application is due on June 10, 2022.
CESASC is one of the largest and the most established Chinese-American professional organizations in Southern California. Founded in 1962, CESASC has been dedicated to promoting interests, aspirations, and professional excellence of Chinese-American engineers and scientists. CESASC provides career and educational advancement
opportunities, technical exchange, fellowship, and community service. Particularly, CESASC offers annual scholarships to encourage young students to develop interests and pursue careers in the fields of science, engineering, and technology. Now, we are offering an additional scholarship:
1. One scholarship for liberal arts provided by the Cultural Foundations of Zhendai He (何振岱文化研究美国·基金會) :Zhendai He Scholarship(何振岱奖学金).
Qualification for this scholarship is as follows.
(1) High school or undergraduate student
(2) Interested and excellent in literature and arts
(3) Bilingual is preferred
(4) Articles publication is a plus.
Applicant must provide (1) resume, (2) school GPA transcript, (3) recommendation letter, and (4) any supporting document (video, art product, publications, etc.)
More information and updates about CESASC and the Scholarship can be found at cesasc.org. All applications should be submitted online at https://bit.ly/3zOmHO2. Please refer to the FAQ file for all the necessary details. If you have any further questions, please send email to: Yue.Rong@waterboards.ca.gov.
All the scholarship recipients will be invited to attend the CESASC Annual Convention and network with professionals in the fields. Graduate student recipients are also invited to present their research work at the CESASC Annual Convention.
The awardees will be announced by June 15, 2022. Regardless of the results, we encourage all applicants stay involved and participate in future CESASC activities and be an invaluable element of CESASC family.
Thank you for your interest and best of luck in your educational endeavor.
Xudong Jia, Ph.D., P.E,
Chair, 2021-2022 CESASC Scholarship Committe